backuppc: Use of qw(…) as parentheses is deprecated

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If you upgrade Perl to 5.13.5 or beyond, backuppc will begin to spew this warning at every oppurtunity. Debian/wheezy currently has these warnings on startup and in backuppc logs.

Debian bug #650522 suggests surrounding each use of qw(…) with rounded parenthesis: (qw(…)). There are a lot these used throughout backuppc, so I took a slightly less ingenious but just as effective route.

By adding: “no warnings 'deprecated';” to the beginning of each file that uses qw(…), the warnings are suppressed. This change can be scripted by using the following one-liner:

The location /usr/share/backuppc/lib/BackupPC/ is used on Debian/wheezy and may need adjusting for other distros.

One thought on “backuppc: Use of qw(…) as parentheses is deprecated

  1. Claude Cantin

    Thank you for that post. I just installed BackupPC v3.2.1 onto OpenSUSE 12.1 and ran into that exact issue. Although your post’s suggestion is not a real solution, it is an easy way to “ignore” the issue until the code is updated in BackupPC.

    Thank you for sharing this information.


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